WTMD is listener-supported radio from the campus of Towson University.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Call To Action! WTMD and Public Broadcasting to Loose Federal Funding This Week?

This week, Congress will debate the Elimination of Federal Funding for Public Broadcasting.  Yes-ELIMINATE IT!

While some believe that Federal Funding for Public Broadcasting is no longer needed, we at WTMD, along with many others, believe that it's a very worthy investment of federal dollars. Ultimately, the decision rests with you. 

As you have heard during our fund drive, listener financial support is the largest component of our funding. WTMD listener contributions are leveraged by 6% and WTMD receives a grant of just over $115,000.  This funding cut would be difficult to absorb without reducing our programming services and limiting our mission of supporting local musicians and providing meaning community events.

Also, many of our colleague stations in rural or economically hard-hit areas depend on federal funding for their very survival.

We hope you will call your Members of Congress – and tell them what you think of public broadcasting and the proposed cuts. Congress could take action on these cuts in the next few days, so please act now.

Here is a list of Maryland Congressional Representitives
House of Representitives:
  • Bartlett, Roscoe
    Maryland-6th, Republican
    2412 Rayburn HOB
    Washington, DC 20515-2006
    Phone: (202) 225-2721

  • Cummings, Elijah
    Maryland-7th, Democrat
    2235 Rayburn HOB
    Washington, DC 20515-2007
    Phone: (202) 225-4741

  • Edwards, Donna F.
    Maryland-4th, Democrat
    318 Cannon HOB
    Washington, DC 20515-2004
    Phone: (202) 225-8699

  • Harris, Andy
    Maryland-1st, Republican
    506 Cannon HOB
    Washington, DC 20515-2001
    Phone: (202) 225-5311

  • Hoyer, Steny H.
    Maryland-5th, Democrat
    1705 Longworth HOB
    Washington, DC 20515-2005
    Phone: (202) 225-4131

  • Ruppersberger, Dutch
    Maryland-2nd, Democrat
    2453 Rayburn HOB
    Washington, DC 20515-2002
    Phone: (202) 225-3061

  • Sarbanes, John P.
    Maryland-3rd, Democrat
    2444 Rayburn HOB
    Washington, DC 20515-2003
    Phone: (202) 225-4016

  • Van Hollen, Chris
    Maryland-8th, Democrat
    1707 Longworth HOB
    Washington, DC 20515-2008
    Phone: (202) 225-5341

US Senate:


Anonymous said...

Steve, there's a lot of people in this community that support WTMD. Let's show that support this week.
If anyone needs a sample, here's a copy of a letter I wrote to Rep. Elijah Cummings of the 7th.

"Rep. Cummings,
I'm writing to ask you to oppose the elimination of Federal Funding for Public Broadcasting. I'm one of many people around the U.S. and in your district who listens to and greatly appreciates public radio. The importance of public radio stations like WTMD Towson to the culture and community of the greater Baltimore area cannot be over-emphasized. In this time of difficult budget cuts, all responsible Americans understand that many things must be sacrificed to ensure that our government maintains financial solidarity going into the future. But as you hear debate on this topic this week, please consider the small amount of the federal budget which goes to public broadcasting and what a large return we, the public, get from that small expenditure. If public radio were an openly traded commodity, and cultural enrichment could be measured in dollars and cents, investing in public radio would be an obvious choice.
Joshua D. Gullett"

Bradspace said...

Is there a resource with all representatives listed so I can spam this out to everyone I know? I want to make it as easy as possible for everyone to to engage their reps wherever they live.